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 TOPlicense for cat cafeNukonuko Navigator → MIMI(MIMI)


  • Name : MIMI(みみ)
  • Probable Age : 12 It was our destiny in life. Short after the owner moved into this town, attempted to walk around, and went into a small street to check if there is anything new. Heard mewing very quietly and one small kitty was climbing up the wall-her small hand was coming appear.
    When the owner came closer, her voice became so louder as if the cat is telling her, “Hang in there! I am coming!” -finally, the cat’s small face came appear.
    The cat was holding owner’s arm, looked like the cat decided to become her family.
    The cat, named Mimi was very small, but everyone spoiled her-became too big.
  • Character : a lion at home and a mouse abroad
  • Favorite : Kind person who leave her alone and just quietly watch her

    Suffered from diabetes, passed away from lever disease on May 13th, 2017.
    Thank you very much, my sweety, we will never forget you.

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